Now that you have an opportunity to consider the merits of the paper portfolio and the eportfolio, which format will you choose? Explain your answers. Hit the comment link below and share!
This blog was created for SP lecturers participating in the "Reflective Practice in Action" workshop as part of the CT programme. Feel free to share your thoughts and knowledge with your fellow course mates!
1 – 200 of 328 Newer› Newest»Both will be better, but i prefer electronic one. easier to put figures and videos
I opt for paper portfolio as the main one and try to learn about e portfolio along the way as I am new to multimedia authoring
I belong to the old school of thought of killing tree for personal growth ...just kiddings .... i'm more than willing tryout eportfolio as i believe it will bring me to a new level/heights.
There are pros & cons for the 2 types of portfolio. Personally, I would prefer the e-portfolio but it would be good to also maintain the paper portfolio for those not so IT savvy readers.
I will have to go for paper portfolio to start off as I am not familiar with IT but I will get into eportfolio eventually because its the only way to communicate and know people effectively.
It is better to have both if possible.. Paper portfolio will be good for interview whereas eportfolio can be viewed by more people and can be updated easily.We can add vidio clips if required.
E-Portfolio is the best to administer a Portfolio, it can be updated anywhere.However I agree with someof the Participants that certain documents and cds are better kept as hard copies.
I think I would prefer the e-portfolio. Its easier to refer people to and saves paper (more environmentally friendly!)
For me is has to be electronic. I teach IT, end of story.
I am not sure about whether I would make it public or not. I am not beyond just sticking it all on my local hard drive or on a CD/DVD.
A lot would depend upon why I do this. If its for me, then why host it? Anyway web hosting is expensive business (relatively), especially if you end up putting up large amount of videos & stuff. Web hosts don't like that much.
I believe there is a way to do it on blackboard, but I have no idea how, and the only method for me to find out if word of mouth (sigh).
If the purpose of these things are to learn from each other, then thats a different matter, we should have them hosted up somewhere. For all I might know there might be a goldmine of useful information out there somewhere. But again I will have to wait for world of mouth to point me in the right direction.
Well, personally i definitely go for E-portfolio if i am to create one, as its easily accessible and create using IT tools nowsaday.However i will still keep a hardcopy of it as u know,its virus prone.
Well, I would prefer e-portfolio. I can share my thoughts/ideas and receive ideas/comments at anytime, from anywhere.
I will go for the e-portfolio because :
1. I will be able to share with a lot of readers
2. I will be able to get more comments on my portfolio so that I can improve further
3. In case somebody needs a hard copy, I can always print out
E-portfolio because it is greener and for me, more convenient.
I'm receptive to e-portfolio but I prefer hardcopy. Being a more "manual" person, I may event choose to handwrite certain portions. A hardcopy book/portfolio appears to contain more emotions and sensitivity in my perspective.
E-portfolio so that I can receive comments from other people and it is also easy to update.
e-portfolio with proper backup. Reaches out to a wider audience maybe.
E-portfolio or soft copies, for easy updating and sharing. But having proper back-ups and real files for those who need a different form.
Can we have a combi of both? ---"yuan yang". THis way we get to save the environment. Reflective thoughts can be kept in electronic folders while comments from RO or "impt ppl" can be kept in the form of hard copy.
I will go for an e-portfolio but I'm debating on these 2 organizational ideas:
1. If I were asked to materialise (print out) my e-portfolio, how will I do it? - Yahoo's way of filing
2. The strength and cohesion is in the links, printing out on a one-dimensional "page"-axis is not an option - Google's way of filing.
e-portfolio for beter updating.
comments from RO, colleagues, to be kept in hardcopy.
I will prefer e-portfolio, easier to modify, update and also greener.
However, it is a good practice to do hardcopy filing, such as to file the teaching evidence, the comments from colleagues and some hardcopy teaching materials.
Definitely paper...by having hardcopies,the progression of the portfolios can be easily monitored and making reference much easier..Accessibility will also be easier for feedback,comments by peers/colleagues and management.
Prefer E-portfolio. More interactive and easier to update and accessible to more people. More environemntally friendly too.
Although I'm teaching IT, I would still prefer a combi of both. I'm leaning towards eportfolio, but would still prefer to hv a paper version.
Like what many hv said on the eportfolio, it's great to share the info, more accessible for all and comments can be obtained like the files in the KR, or the Visible Project.
However, when it comes to online, unless there's a proper structure and organization to the materials, people would not be clear on where to start reading. They can click here and there, and if there are too much info (info overload), how much can they understand and comment?
Furthermore, if there are some materials to be considered more confidential like analysis of the students' marks, their grades over some semesters, it might not be so appropriate to let all view over the internet.
Hence my choice of both paper and eportfolio.
I would prefer eportfolio, because it is more suitable in nowaday contect with the high tech and computerise dataand information. On the other hand it is easily access and publish when ever required.
I will start with a paper portfolio with backup of everything on computer. Paper is better as I can move things around, recollate and categorise materials manually. Also a website seems rather daunting, and aside from copyright issues, there is also the question of privacy. A paper portfolio is easier to control. It won't be read by unknown persons.
ePortfolio for me - ease of access and maintenance, and greener!
But as trudy points out truely - the site must be secure and safe.
I will try to develop both if possible.. paper portfolio will be good for interview whereas eportfolio can be viewed by more people and can be updated easily
Chee How Terry
I might go straight for the e-portfolio. A clear advantage over physical portfolio is that a variety of media can be incorporated e.g. video, music, reference links as citations, etc. It is also more accessible to others who are interested in my works too.
I prefer e-portfolio which is easier to input various types of media.
I would go with the majority vote for e-portfolio.
There are alot of conveniences when you hand over a namecard that allows folks to access information about you online.
But I think finding the right domain/platform becomes an additional hair-pulling part. I blog (when I feel like it) and it drives me crazy getting the design right even if it is off a template. (Something about a design training that triggers an innate need to tweek any graphic element and talk incessantly)
Depending on situations, it would be nice to have at hand a concise version of this portfolio in print though. Almost like a trailer or a press release, where the digital (animated) parts can be included in a CD. If I were to hire, I would be more impressed to see the more significant information/experience at a glance rather than to have to go to a link on the internet.
Both the paper and e-portfolio have their merits.
For a start, I may choose the paper portfolio (which is faster to setup).
I would consider to do the paper portfolio first because I don’t have to spend so much effort to decorate the website and can focus on the actual content. Also, constant update of the website will be expected and extra care on the content has to be taken care of.
A combination of both is fine. I would like to use IT to collect students feedback etc using blackboard survey. Also, posting study materials in BB is a good idea. However, a sketchy tracking document and it's hardcopy print outs may point to those materials. It may even contain "blog" addresses and other websites in it's reference.
Hmmm... I opt for paper portfolio as it will be easier to update/maintain. Creating website could be a big chore for some people.
well, help save the treeeesssssss.
Since we are doing most of our work using the computer, why not just submit it through a web portal?
e-portfolio saves paper-> trees-> earth!!! hurray...
+: can access @anytime @anywhere
-: IT problems if we are not ITsavvy
(ps.sorry for all the typo errors =p)
Actually already posted my comment earlier but dont know why it didnt appear.
Preferably to have both, but WHERE GOT TIME???????
I would go for the paper portfolio since it's part of the coursework and i am not so IT savvy!
I would prefer e-portfolio over paper for two main reasons :-
1) Paper got lost; &
2) Able to receive comments from interested readers.
Kim Leong
I think e portfolio is a better option for me. It is nice to learn from each others with just a click on the search button. Paper filing is a time consuming task and will need a team of librarians or secretaries. Searching for the right info from paper files is also not easy. I think I may have to be very selfish becasue these info are meant for my SP colleagues only and if other polys are not willing to share, I would not want to see my student number dropping because my other colleagues and I have to spend extra time to upkeep e portfolios when our time given to our students is already very limited.
Go Green.
I will prefer eportfolio as I am able to access and recall the pedagogical thoughts as long as I have access to Internet.
Shirlynn says:
Both, the paper and e-portfolio but the paper is easier to do
lots of flexibility and convenience with e-port, e.g. web publishing, interactivity, easy editing, updating, etc. and always ready to be printed into hardcopy for me to bring into toilet, but one big problem is tht it lacks the element of spontaneity, ya'knw when u hv tht sudden thought tht you jus wanna jot down immediately? dioni
Ideal is to have both! Still, I prefer the paper version. Can be used for my own portfolio for future career and easy maintenance.
I will try to develop both if possible.. paper portfolio will be good for interview whereas eportfolio can be viewed by more people and can be updated easily
I prefer e-portfolio, more viewers and easier to update. But I’m thinking of keeping a hardcopy of the first version of my portfolio for my reference on how I made changes/improvements in the future.
I am not technologically inclined, so paper version works for me - more expedient. I do agree however that e-version is greener and can be shared with others. In any case, there's no need for e-version as it's only for my own review, reflection and improvement.
i am entirely for e-portfolio.
- can be stored and distributed easily
- hardcopy materials can be scanned in and archived
- printable if necessary
- easily dated and sorted chronologically if needed
- with dedicated e-portfolios may even be able to sort different content within the e-portfolio for easy viewing
I would love to have both the e version as well as the paper version. I'll use the paper version as a backup in case the online version becomes corrupted.
Electronic means is the way to go. Saves paper, easier to edit and make changes.
I prefer electronic. Its easier to edit and upload videos.
Am checking this
Web based info is better in terms of expanding imagination as well as more environmentally friendly.
I would go for e-portfolio so that thoughts and ideas can be shared and receiving comments from others of the same field by clicking a button.
I'm leaning towards an E-portfolio. Most of our material is already Electronic therefore i believe it would be easier.
I would use both modes of the portfolios because of their appropriateness within my teaching modules - drawing/drafting/visualization, etc. The physical portfolio for the collection of visual evidences (students' drawings) and e-portfolio as evidence of digital images and animations(students' digital output). This would show a greater variety of skills and achievements.
I'm more comfortable with the paper portfolio and am likely to start with it for two reasons: (i) it's easier to read something in print and it's nice to be able to hold it in your hands, and (ii) I'm not that well-versed with online tools.
Eventually, though, I think I will have to move to an e-portfolio, and it will force me to learn to use online applications that I can use for my classes too. But as it was pointed out in the CT notes for this lesson, it's a challenge in itself expressing yourself for the web. It doesn't involve just good web design, but good web writing too.
Ideally both would be good, but with the kind of workload SP lecturers go through, i think i'll stick with the "e" route. cheers...
I perfer to choice the E portfolio ,since it's save papaer and more better for protecr our nature resource and environment .
Ryan Qinjiming
Mei Pheng said...
A combination of both will be good as both have its own merits
Zhou Wei said...
I prefer Eportfolio. It is easy to maintain and access.
being totally tech-unsavvy, i am abit apprehensive to start the e-version.
but then again, that's where we are all eventually heading rt?
so yes, i guess i will have to start with a skeletal e-portfolio and add on more sophisticated stuff as we move along... :)
would prefer eportfolio, more organised and easy access.
I will choose eportfolio, it has more market value.
I would go with the paper portfolio as I believe it is:
(i) portable - can be carried around.
(ii)flexible - portfolio is future proof because you can insert up-to-date collateral material.
However, it would be useful to monitor the evolution of eportfolio technology to take advantage of electronic features that existing paper portfolios cannot support.
Eportfolio is the new trend currently and massive information can be stored relevantly. I will go for that!
Maybe essential portions shall be reproduced in hardcopies which ease up carrying and sharing at times.
I would think an e-portfolio would be something akin to a blog, where you will show everyone and anyone.
Whereas, I would like to think that before an e-portfolio is created, the paper route will be a more personal pre-planner, like a diary that people used to keep their thoughts to themselves first.
Capt Mohit SMA
I would switch to e portfolio.
It is convinient: Lot of online tolls can be used in creating this. 1 drawback with eportfolio is
- It needs a PC.
- It pins you down to your computer knowledge. Better you are in your PC & microsoft office knowledge- better your portfolio would be.
I guess both have its own merits. Eportfolio is easy to maintain and organise and for others to view and leave a comment. Paper portfolio will be good too, in case of computer crash and all our hard efforts go down the drain!
I would prefer to have both since they have their own merits.
I would start with paper portfolio since I am more comfortable with writing.It is good that we can jot down our thoughts anywhere ... anytime.It can be used as a back up of the eportfolio as well.
Evetually will convert to e portfolio once I become more IT savvy.It is convenient and is good that we can incorporate various types of media (audio,video etc),can be accessed easily for comments and updates.Easy to edit.
Like many other things, the answer has to be "Both" rather than "Either". An e-portfolio is obviously easily accessed over cyberspace but some items/evidences are best appreciated in physical form.
Paper portfolio for me. I'm old-fashioned that way.
More rationally though, we don't really know how long the electronic formats we use will last (Word Perfect, anyone?) whereas the printed word has been around for a long, long time.
-Hans Lee
Chiam Tow Ming said:
I will choose eportfolio, it has more market value.
I'd go for the tactile, tangible version, as I've always been a sketchbook/journal keeper rather than a blogger. The only downside is that I have to read back my own handwriting..
HE Yingjie's choice is EPortofolio.
Two main reasons:
First, easy to capture thoughts and further organize and edit.
Second, can be shared widely and quickly for others' comments thereby providing valuable feedback and improvement, which is the purpose of creating a portofolio.
I believe paper is easier when you are away from notebook and just taking time off to reflect. But it will be heavy and cumbersome to carry around. So electronic would be prefer at the end. Transfer the notes taken from paper to screen... adding screen capture and video, powerpoint etc for the final product. It will be easier for others to view and feedback too.
Yeow Heng said :-
My choice is e-portfolio (though I'm not IT savvy) but I find it easier to edit and update since there are many tools available like presentation, video, audio, etc. Especially, it can electronically share, email, attachment,etc for comment and advise.
January 26, 2009 2:14 PM
Anonymous said...
I would go with the paper portfolio as I believe it is:
(i) portable - can be carried around.
(ii)flexible - portfolio is future proof because you can insert up-to-date collateral material.
However, it would be useful to monitor the evolution of eportfolio technology to take advantage of electronic features that existing paper portfolios cannot support.
Julian Ong
electronic please.. Save the planet...
Natarajan Balaji
Would choose electronic record over paper. Go green:) Joanne
Adrian Chan:
Definite E-portfolio. Will be good to have the softcopy to print out the portfolio for interviews. The softcopy, or E-portfolio will be updated from time to time and this allow greater flexibility.
gopal venkat said,
e- portfolio is today's favorite, who knows what tomorrow may bring ,
we have to go with the tide,
Unless u are the rare few who dare to swim against the current.
I will choose the E-portfolio since we are so used to doing many things online nowadays...
This is Ro Ann.
Maybe an e-portfolio though I am not an IT fan. Because I find it more convenient nowadays.
Capt. Kyaw Thet Aung from SMA said
E-port folio Vs. Hard copy
Prefer to make both.
E. port folio looks much easier to up date and compile all resources, links all portal pages, video journal, teaching journal and sounds so nice and true. No longer need to amend and append in narrative section like in hard copy one. Well, what ever and when ever there is soft copy, this should be back up by hard copy.
I will choose paper portfolio as it will be easier to update and maintain.
I would prefer to have an e-portfolio, but in case data is lost due to whatever reasons, I would also keep a paper copy as a back-up. The validity (period I would keep) of the paper copy would be about 2 yrs. Hence, I would need to make extra effort to ensure that everything is up to date.
E-Portfolio for me.. But 1st thing is to get the materials ready before we even consider the format.
eportfolio will be much easier to be accessed by many people (when necessary). It also allows for more medium of information and communication at a faster rate.
I prefer things in hardcopy, just like I prefer reading from a physical book than a electronic book from a LCD screen. Just a personal preference.
- Erik
Chris Goh:
I would use an e-portfolio. The world we live in is constantly changing and moving faster and faster. The e-portfolio allows a greater accesibility to the portfolio and is easier to update.
E-portfolio is good, it's more portable, global, interactive and can always be printed if I ever need a hardcopy one.
I will choose the e-Portfolio. This will provide me with an opportunity to be equipped with more 'IT-savvy' things. haha.
E-portfolio seems like to way to go. Flexible, updatetable, kills fewer trees.
I will choose e-portfolio, as it is flexible, easier to manage and share, and with more tools to integrate materials such as photos, powerpoints, video, etc.
Also, I can edit and update it anytime, anywhere, as long as I can access to internet....
Go Old School!!! Call me crazy, but I like tangibility; I like to touch things. I miss going to record shops and picking out vinyl, I would rather go to old bookshops and smell that distinctive smell of old paper than the smell of kindle (?), I prefer doing the actual thing to the world of Wii, playing my guitar instead of Guitar Hero, and if I were looking, I would prefer to go to a bar than log onto Match.com...
There is nothing better than the real thing!
I will choose both format are useful. Each format is good for diffrent situation. We will always have back up.
Both. Always starting with E, but on a face to face basis, the paper portfolio always works better I reckon.
I will choose the eportfolio. It will be easy to mangage and edit. Uploading of videos or pictures is convenient too.
I prefer it to be hardcopy. Just a personal preference, like I rather hold a book and read it, than read it online as an e-book.
I would prefer e-portfolio due to easy of sharing, managing, formating and updating the content. In addition, there are many IT tools available which can help in the presentation, retrieve, storage and organization of the materials.
Nevertheless, I think time to time, there must be backup either in hardcopy or softcopy to prevent the loss of important material and work.
I would choose E-Portfolio as the opportunity to share is limitless and the fact that you are able to add in video clips and other media format into the portfolio will make it more dynamic and would do more justice to oneself than a plain 2d paper.
-Muhammad HALIM Bin Ab WAHAB
Paper for me.
(Drafts done electronically but with view to print out the final version)
Jacqueline Chua said:
E-portfolio for me! Space saving.
Might print out the final draft too.
I prefer both. You might need e-portfolio for some media(such as demo reel or website), but on paper, you can see the workmanship better(I believe so).
I am not IT savvy but E portfolio is paperless. So, I will go for E...and pick up the skill to do it along the way.
I will choose the paper format as I prefer things that I can read physically. Reading from the computer can cause strain to the eyes.
E-protfolio is easy to update. Can get instant response from all students and can upload their views
immediately. No need to carry all your files and documents everywhere you go. You can print out any portfolio you need to have a hard copy anytime. Only down side is if you loose your note book or anyone crack into your account, it could be a big issue. You have to be very careful and have backups. Rather then that, it is a better way compared to paper.
I like one of the comments above that it kills fewer trees. I think the world should move towards a totally paperless environment.
Besides that, software offers many more possibilities than paper. Youtube and flash has become an important component of information, and would be easy to integrate in an eportfolio.
It is also easier to share and backup.
Definitely e-portfolio for me. Ease and convenience of updating e-materials far outweigh the benefits of the traditional paper methodology.
Easier to employ ready-resources like youtube, facebook and the like.
I prefer the traditional paper based portfolio. I can make better sense of issues with physical touch and reflection. Most supervisor, RO, people in authority etc don't have time to to the web; they prefer a summarise version of what they see and pass judgement quickly.
If I have time, I might do an electronic version for back-up.
I first reaction would be the traditional hardcopy format. Once I have the idea of how it shapes up and would consider the electronic version. Ultimately, I like to have both - serve both audience.
Personally, I like to do it on paper... but then I feel that sometimes it is easier to organiz electronically ... because some things like video can be added in conveniently. SO i guess I would opt for electronic...
I'd say both. Like any other portfolio, the teaching portfolio is meant to represent yourself. Benefits of working on the computer (unlike old type writers etc.) is that you are able to better organise your work. In this regard, we can easily make both an online, and yet make it easily printable, so as to have both assets available when required to.
Some people like to read hardcopies and others softcopies.
Granted the online portfolio is able to have more interactive content, and if we wish to capitalise on this, then we may cater the online portfolio in support of the hardcopy.
Regardless, there are many ways about this, but rather than throw 1 away, we may best benefit by having both working for us.
I think both paper portfolio and eportfolio are important challenge to develop.. paper portfolio can be used for review and eportfolio can attract more audience and easily alterable.
In most cases e-portfolio is very convenience but in some cases hard copy is an assential. So by moving forward, we can say e-portfolio is a must to change however, at this juncture, we cannot let go hard copy totally as yet. It has to be both depanding upon the usage and requirement.
Paper portfolio is for keeping as reference, in relevant of a era(like journals) and e-portfolio is for sharing...and updatable with time
I would prefer an e-portfolio. this is the internet age, don't get left behind....just give a weblink to anyone who wants to take a look.
Not too sure just yet. I am leaning towards the physical portfolio at the moment. Have yet to see the physical portfolio and eveluate its ease of use.
I will most likely go with and prefer paper portfolio. It is good to hold and refer to something physical. In addition, I am not really IT savvy.
However, it will be good to have both paper and e portfolio.
I will choose both as some comments, works we have done and etc are written on paper. While eportfolio is more for our own record.
More comfortable with a physical portfolio at this stage.
Probably an e-portfolio, although it would be advantageous to have a paper backup.
E-portfolio would be easier to maintain and present to others.
i prefer electronic one. easier to put figures and videos
Animation helps and I can reach out to more students. Also the students can access it 24/7
The electronic version portfolio could be the best way of maintaining such highly dynamic portfolio. However, a simple electronic version portfolio such as text with minimun picture should be encourged as the technology advance so fast and we should keep only the basic material which can be plug in into various platform and it would obsolete.
Electronic portfolio allows much flexibility and versatility, which in this time and age is really quite essential. However, I share T.Hui's sentiment that one should be mindful of the rapid advancement of technology and to keep material format basic, and perhaps also back-up in alternative formats (eg. Psd, Ppt, jpg, pdf...).
Having said that, Paper Portfolio still has its benefits of being reliable should all technology in the world come to a crashing end!
Kong Yuen Ho:
A paper portfolio will be my preferred choice at the moment since it is easier to present it to others as access to the Internet may not be available all the while.
I am not good in IT at the moment but I won't rule out the possibility that I will have an e-portfolio in time to come.
e-portfolio would be better: easier to create and update, but file sizes might be a problem. But with appropriate hardcopies and backup (in case of data losses).
It will be paper for me as it may be easier for me to manage without having to worry about the lack of IT skills.
ONG Chai Lin said...
Well I think paper might be easier, no need to even power up the computer....lazy to that extent eh?
Tan Hai Su:
An electronic portfolio would be good for easy accessibility to weblinks, video clips, Youtube etc.
Easier to update and make changes as when you want to.
I prefer the E-portfolio because I can easily show my videos, pictures and revise it at any time/place. I can also easily to show my ideas to many people who are interested in.
Eportfolio might be better for me as it has the flexibility to edit and change easily when more information is added as we move along. It should be easier to manage as well I supposed. Ultimately it can also be printed in a form of hardcopy so 1 stone 2 birds. Of course, that’s provided we do not need to spend too much time learning the web interfaces……
E-portfolio, for me, will be easier to maintain.
I guess it all depends in its use. For the beginning, I will use e-portfolio.
I might go with an e-portfolio as it appears to be easier to edit and to share.
Wordpress for me please. But I might want to secure it and allow restricted access.
I guess it will be good to have both versions because each of these has their benefits and limitations.
Sometimes, there might be items that I think are very meaningful but hard to be digitized. An example that I can think of could be a thank you card from students. Although I can probably take a photo of it, but reading the hard copy will give a different feeling than reading it from my notebook.
Nevertheless, e-portfolio allows more flexibility. I think setting up a blog as an e-portfolio could be one way. Blog supports various inputs ranging from typical text entry to audio and video files. Apart from that, I can also invite students and colleagues to drop their suggestions and comments on my work.
Gabrielle Koh.
e-portfolio will be better for easy access, update, share and feedback . But for some itmes, it will be worth to have them as a paper portfolio.
Both are good so long it is of good use to ourself and other users.
It doesn't matter whichever, hardcopy or e-portfolio, so long as it is readable, clear and constructive.
Ultimately the purposes of a teaching portfolio is for us to reflect, learn and improve. It is also a resources for other lecturers.
I will vote for both anyway, because paper and electronic have their own pros and cons. But if you really require me to chose, I will prefer a green method - electronic, ie blogspot, YouTube, etc. Electronic would be more easy to access and update. It will definitely make us more convenient to trace back our teaching 'records'!
I would prefer Electronic for safekeeping and Paper for short term use (easy to bring and add note w/o having to bring laptop along to everywhere).
fangyen said:
i would prefer an e-portfolio as it is more flexible (editable), transparent, and allow easy sharing of video and links.
Activity 7: Paper or e-portfolio
• I would prefer a paper portfolio since the document would be handy for my review whenever I am free. If it would be an e-porfolio, I will need to have my lap- top available always and when it comes to problem with the computer or software, the data may be destroyed. Moreover, it would be easier to show the content of the work to others and to make any amendment necessary.
There is no doubt that I prefer the paper portfolio! I am even having trouble managing these activities....
Paper Portfolio for now.
For me "E" portfolio,
"E" portfolio can be assessed anywhere so long there is a internet connection. Anyone around the world can read about your portfolio which mean "No Boundary".
And just in case technology fails on you you can just print a hardcopy of the "E" portfolio as backup.
Both... I'm kiasu.
I prefer e-portfolio because it is easy to maintain and more environmental-friendly.
Paper - personally I feel it's easier to read. I am a caveman! ;)
Paper portfolio as for me, it's easier to collate, read and extract information when needed. However, I would like to explore doing an E Portfolio so that I can see how it is like and who knows, it might be more fun and relevant as we live in this increasingly digital world. :)
Would prefer something online, and it would be interesting to design and develop a web site for this.
Although there are benefits for online portfolio, the learning curve might be quite steep, in addition to the actual task of developing the portfolio.
So, in reality, I think I'd start with a hard copy portfolio, so that it could be done in a shorter time.
For me, e-portfolio would be pretty useful and the drafting/editing is definately much more easier.
But i would print out hard copies (final version) because it does feel good to have it in you hand (literally)!
Paper portfolio. There is something contemplative and reflective about holding a pen to paper.
I'll do both, prepare a paper teaching portfolio for CT submission first and if have time create the eportfolio.
The eportfolio has the flexibility and convenience of make changes, add in more new and innovative ideas, deleting bad ideas, and of course will be good for multimedia presentation and the ease of sharing with other teachers. Need update and maintenance like a website!
The paper portfolio can include real stuff such as appreciation card which can bring out a lot of good memories in the future. (Btw, Mark, are you going to returen the teaching portfolio to us?)
I will do both. Paper porfolio for CT submission, and eportfolio to keep myself up to date, I feel that I am losing the in e-marathone when students talking about facebook, blog and twitter etc..as I dont even have one.
No preference, both has its own pains and conveniences.
If I were asked to choose, I'd go for the paper version. Somehow, it is still a different feeling to sit there and flip the pages, compared to reading things online.
Think I'd prefer the paper version as I still prefers to read from paper than screen. But since I'll have the softcopy of the portfolio I reckon converting will not be too difficult (in the future).
E-portfolio all the way.
It's more convenient to create, easier to edit/update, more interactive and effective...
and besides, we need to save the earth.
e-portfolio for sharing with others, since it is easier with technology. But paper one for submission and personal copy.
I prefer to do electronic one. The main reason is to save the environment =)
The second reason is to make it easier to be edited and to reduce the possibility of losing some of the content.
I will use both. They both have their own advantages.
E portfolio for sure.
Its a good platform that is both interactive and environmentally friendly!
I prefer well-designed e-portfolio, as it will make reading fun!!! Sources can be consolidated, so that we need not keep potential many different CDs. Easier to maintain too.
At the moment, I would think an e-copy is better in terms of ease of creation, alteration and maintenance. Not to mention, it saves papers.
An e-portfolio also allows an easy sharing amongst educators both internally (within SP) and externally.
Either paper or eportfolio is fine but if I have to choose one for now, it would be paper portfolio.
My choice will be an e-portfolio, for the simple reasons that:
1) It is portable i.e I can choose to read/update it on my holiday trip (if I want). Try lugging along a 500page journal on your holiday.
2) Its green!
3) Its easier to include other forms of media
Hi David here.
Although I would gladly opt for e-portfolio for the fact that it allows me to update at anytime, I would perhaps start with pdf which I could tidy up and post it for others to download as a whole.
With the advent of cyber-technology (smart phone and i-phone), i would go for electronic one. This allows sharing of info and enhance learning.
Both. Coz i am KiaSu too! O:
I would prefer a safer approach by first completing it in a paper format, then only attempt to replicate it in an online format. I wouldn't want to put something in there that might mislead someone before I realise it. Students' lives are at stake. LOL
I'm old school but I believe that an e-version is the way to go so I'll be greedy and opt for both.
I would prefer the paper format for now!!
e-portfolio (with proper guidance on how to tackle the different platforms available)
Actually, I would like to do both. The paper portfolio to start with, which I'll convert to the eportfolio. The latter is useful as part of a lecturer's CV.
Totally agree with Aaron Yuen,
I go for e-portfolio.
You can still keep the paper one but electronic one is a must. it is 2010! We play, work and sleep under Wifi, Iphone, WM, Android, Ipad, netbook...!
The trend today is e, e, e. So it has to be e-portfolio.
To have both as they could serve different purposes. Paper for face-to face presentation and E folio to share with a wider audience, an infinte and borderless platfrom.
I think it is better to have both eportfolio and the paper portfolio.
For Paper portfolio, I can use it for interview references and for the eportfolio, I can access it anytime to update and also able to add any video presentation when required.
Go Green for eportfolio.....
Paper Portfolio for me! Still prefer the old school way of being able to flip through it.
I might try the ePortfolio so that it is more accessable and easy to edit.
my vote goes to ePortfolio!
I would prefer a ePortfolio system which is able to generate a summarised paper portfolio as and when required.
eportfolio is more environmental friendly and convenient ( to submit and access).
Choice: eportfolio
eportfolio takes up less physical storage space, less paper, and it can also be transformed to paper portfolio by simply pressing Ctrl+p. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
I would go for eportfolios as more visuals, can be embedded inside for a more holistic view.
I would prefer the normal paper portfolio. However, with the pervasiveness of the eportfolio, we cn try to have the softcopies online as well.
Ryan J Tan
Paper one for official and electronics one out of interest.
Personally I would like to do an eportfolio but would most likely opt for a paper portfolio instead as I forsee much of the work in the portfolio being on paper in the first place, eg observation from RO which will need scanning or reformating. OR if I have an exam paper I designed or set up, I may need to provide download links etc. It May be easier to view a printed copy. However if most of the collected information is in digital format, I may consider eportfolio.
Lorain Kok
I've been taking notes with Microsoft OneNote for the past year or so and I'm lovin' it! However, due to reasons of practicality (can't bring laptop everywhere; laptop startup time), I still keep quite an stash of documentation in manila folders and in the pages of my handy A6-sized journal.
Given time to organise the information, I would give preference to my ePortfolio (in OneNote) as the master or index document that will refer to the hardcopied documents or just take in wholesale scanned copies of the hardcopy documents. This preference is borne out of my need to have an easily portable archive of experience on my laptop today, till the day we start wearing descendants of the iPad to our bodies 24/7.
I like visuals so prefer ePortfolio but depending if i have the time. Otherwise, paper will be me alternative.
I would keep all mine portfolio as a paper one. I will only select those interesting one, and those approved (esp with student work and student comments) online.
I prefer an electronic portfolio as it's 1) environmentally friendly; 2) easy to update; 3) can be accessed everywhere and anytime.
i m the paper-portfolio kinda gal... very very old school...
I guess both works fine depending on tech savvy one will be. E-portfolio is good if there are any videos clips to be included. I may explore this option if it is not too time consuming to put up the necessary items in the eportfolio.
Eportfolio seems more advantageous to paper-portfolio as has been discussed aboved. It may take addional effort to learn how to use the software/platform, but "he who would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools". I will definitely want an eportfolio.
I think both as they are complimentary.
Carolyn Liu Yang said...
I prefer paper portfolio as it gives me "flexibility" to arrange my documents in whatever shape/order/color I want without considering technical constraints.
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